When it comes to the safety and well-being of your pet, no cost is too high, and no effort is too great. Nevertheless, every responsible pet owner has wondered at some point what is the most efficient way to carry their pet from one place to another or how they can make their furry friend use up some of its energy. Questions like “Should I buy a pet carrier” or “Would my cat even accept a cat harness” are common and essential, so in the following article, we will try to answer them and many more.
Should I Get a Pet Carrier?
The short answer to this question is yes. Your cat or dog is not safe when you can’t keep an eye on them during a trip, and the best way to avoid potential inconvenience is by using a pet carrier. It’s true that some animals, especially cats, may not feel comfortable inside a crate, and you’ll need to resort to tricks to calm them down enough so that they stay quiet. But it is ultimately for their own good.
For example, if you want to take your pet with you on a flight, you will need a pet carrier, as you would for other forms of public transport. But even if you plan to travel by car, keeping your pet in a carrier is a good idea so that it is protected in case of a crash and cannot get into potentially undesirable places. The last thing you’d need while driving is your cat jumping into the compartment between the pedals or your dog dashing to the windshield because the car wipers are on.
What Type of Carrier Should I Get?
There are several types to choose from, and there are a few things you should think about before making a buying decision. First of all, you should consider durability. The cheapest carrier cases are made of cardboard, a popular option for shelters, which you probably already know if you adopted a pet. The problem is that cardboard is not durable, and over time your pet will manage to escape from its crate. Another option is carriers made of flexible materials such as nylon, which are more akin to travel bags. The advantage of these carriers is that they are more portable. However, a significant disadvantage is the lack of adequate protection during an unexpected event.
By far, the most popular types of carriers are hard-sided ones. They can provide satisfactory protection in the event of an accident, come in a variety of sizes, can have different types or mechanisms for door hinges, and are generally a relatively cheap option. Remember that a carrier does not have to be a luxury accessory, but a practical device that provides adequate protection for your pet. You don’t necessarily have to go for the most expensive options on the market, but it doesn’t hurt to choose the offerings of a well-known manufacturer.
Companies such as Kramar, Dreamcloud, or Pet One may be more than decent options for your next purchase. And this purchase should be influenced by factors like quality and practicality. It would be best if you always aimed for a carrier that can be easily dismantled and cleaned. Besides this, the type of hinge and the number of doors of the cat carrier are essential, so your pet does not feel stressed. In this respect, purchasing a carrier with two separate doors might be advisable.
Should I Get a Cat Harness?
A cat harness is indispensable if you want to walk your cat outside. And there are advantages and disadvantages when it comes down to it. Firstly, a cat harness can help you bond with your cat and allow it to exercise more than it would be possible inside your home. It’s also a good way for your cat to escape from the monotony and explore new places. But why don’t you see more cat owners walking their fuzzy friends like a dog? Well, there are some pretty good reasons.
Cats are territorial creatures and are not as domesticated as dogs. When you walk your cat in a cat harness, you may do nothing more than allow her to guide you around. Cats have a highly developed territorial sense; when they are in a new location or smell an unfamiliar scent, they can become agitated or even aggressive. In addition, many cats do not feel comfortable wearing a harness. Simply put, a cat is more challenging to train and more unpredictable than a dog. Walking your cat is an option you can consider, but how well it will react depends on the animal’s personality and how early you start the training process.
What About Using a Cat Backpack?
A cat backpack can be the best of both worlds. You’ll be able to take your cat with you when you leave the house. A regular cat carrier only makes sense if you want to carry your pet in a vehicle, train, or plane, but it is inefficient if you want to walk a short distance with your pet. A backpack solves this. Using it will make your hands accessible, and your cat can enjoy the view without the risk of being attacked or spooked by outside factors, allowing you to enjoy a great adventure together.
A cat backpack is a popular solution among people who want to explore nature with their cat, and it’s also a good way for your fuzzy friend to escape boredom. While a dog can provide you with moments of camaraderie in all sorts of circumstances, a cat will not listen as well to your commands and will be much more easily distracted by various factors over which you have no control. A cat backpack may be the best way to bring your cat to unusual locations without risking it being stressed or distracted. But whether you want to use a backpack, a pet carrier, or a cat harness, what matters most is that your pet is safe and that you create priceless memories together.