An endoscope is a thin, tube-like instrument with an attached light source designed to look inside the body. Endoscopes are used in the fields of medicine and surgery instead of surgery. It uses an optical magnification system that you can view on a monitor or camera screen for real-time images seen by a physician/surgeon who controls it at a remote location. An endoscope is a thin, tube-like instrument with an attached light source designed to look inside the body, which a physician/surgeon at a remote location controls.
In medicine and surgery instead of surgery, endoscopic examination allows visualization, diagnosis, and sometimes treatment of diseases without the need for surgical incision through natural orifices or body cavities. Endoscopy devices now play an essential role in diagnosing and treating conditions, mainly because they allow the visualization of otherwise inaccessible structures. This article looks at the different types of endoscopy you can get from a Lima endoscopy specialist.
1. Colonoscopy
A colonoscopy is a procedure using either a video or scope inserted into the anus and rectum to look for causes of bleeding, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, changes in bowel habits, or other symptoms. It usually involves cleaning out (preparing) the large intestine with unique solutions. The doctor examines the lining of the colon with an endoscope. A colonoscopy is a procedure using either a video or scope inserted into the anus and rectum to look for causes of bleeding, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, changes in bowel habits, or other symptoms. It usually involves cleaning out (preparing) the large intestine with unique solutions. The doctor examines the lining of the colon with an endoscope.
2. Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is a diagnostic and interventional endoscopic procedure that visualizes the upper gastrointestinal tract, from the esophagus to the duodenum. The patient is sedated or put under brief anesthesia during the exam. A long, flexible, lighted tube called an endoscope is done by your doctor to find the cause of a problem, such as bleeding from the digestive tract, abnormal growths (polyps), or ulcers. It also helps your doctor find the best treatment for you. You may need endoscopy if you have abdominal pain, bloating or indigestion, Ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, or swallowing problems.
3. Capsule Endoscopy
Capsule endoscopy, also known as pill endoscopy, is a non-surgical diagnostic medical test to visualize the inside of a hollow organ or structure in the body. It is performed by administering a small, wireless camera that captures images of the organ and transmits them to an external recorder. The capsule can be passed or retrieved through natural means or with a scope inserted into the organ.
Capsule endoscopy is used to view the small intestine, biliary tract, and colon. The medications can be made from vitamin A, Fe () salts, or polymers. In capsule endoscopy detecting polyps, barium may be included in the pill.
In summary, an endoscopy refers to a medical exam that allows a medical practitioner to see the inside of your body without making surgical incisions. There are different types of endoscopy, including colonoscopy, which is used to look for signs of colorectal cancer. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy helps visualize the upper gastrointestinal tract from the esophagus to the duodenum. Capsule endoscopy allows a medical practitioner to see the inside of any hollow organ in the body.