Platelet-Rich Plasma also known as PRP Treatment, is a revolutionary way to help heal bone and tissue injuries in the body. In the recent past, it has been determined that PRP treatments through injections actually help aid the injured area to heal faster. This is done through a process in which during the stages of healing, orthopedic and sports doctors actually increase blood cells and platelets to bring about healing in the area with less pain and inflammation.
In fact, PRP treatments have been proven to be so effective that more doctors are doing these to help relieve their patient’s joint pain due to injury. But before seeking out PRP Injections Palm Beach County or in other locations, let’s go into exactly what this advance treatment is and how effective it actually is.
What is PRP
Before going into how PRP works, let’s go a bit further in detail about the two main components of it, and how these work in the process. Plasma is the liquid part of our blood. The main composites of it are water and proteins; it is the key component to creating vitamin enrich blood cells. One of these types of three blood cells is known as platelets, which actually aid healing in the body through the body’s own natural rejuvenation process.
How PRP Treatments Work
The first step in the PRP treatment is to draw vials of blood from the patient. Once this is done, the blood is placed into a tool known as a centrifuge which goes about separating the various components of the blood. After this, the platelets go through a concentration process to make them even more potent. Once this is done, the PRP Treatment is administered through injections. The doctor uses ultrasound equipment to help guide the injections to the injured spot.
Precautions of PRP Injections
Although there are several advantages to the PRP treatment, there are some precautions as well. First of which is that a patient will need to stop taking anti-inflammatory painkillers prior to and after the treatment is done. Prescription blood thinners could also be an issue, and an individual who is on these should consult the Primary Care Physician as well before having PRP done. Another precaution is that a patient will be told not to perform any strenuous activity such as exercise and workouts for a particular period of time.
Controversy Regarding PRP Treatments
Even though medical science has proven that PRP injections help in the healing of the tissues in the body, but, there are still those who refuse to accept this treatment. This is because it is still considered by some a performance-enhancing substance.
In fact, both the World Anti-Doping Agency and The United State Anti-Doping agency still forbid the use of this treatment in the muscles of the human body. However, to date, there is no real proof that PRP injections will actually enhance a person’s overall performance as an athlete. However, there are available substantial proofs for the treatment being effective in helping the body to heal properly.
Final Points on PRP Injections
PRP injections are still a relatively new procedure, because of this there are bound to be critics regarding its use. However, as medical science continues to move forward, there could very well come a time where the use of PRP treatments will be more widely accepted. In fact, it could become a common course of treatment when it comes to aiding those dealing with bone and tissue injuries. It is certainly off to a promising start and every medical treatment has to get its start somewhere.