Top 5 Traits Of A Good Leader And A Manager

Every organisation requires both leaders and managers. Although a leader and a manager have very different roles, they are often in charge of motivating, encouraging and organising people within an organisation. This requires them to have a diverse set of traits.

This article will discuss the top five traits of a good leader and a manager that contribute to their success in their roles.

The Top 5 Traits of a Good Leader

1. Be humble

There is a significant distinction between being a leader and being a boss. A leader usually shares the spotlight and recognises followers for the work they have done as a group. Clients and employees value humble leaders who give credit where credit is due.

2. Set a good example

It is essential for leaders to set a good example. For instance, if leaders expect their subordinates to be punctual, they must first develop the habit of being punctual. They must set the tone, and followers will be naturally inspired to follow.

3. Communicate effectively

Leaders must communicate effectively both on and off the job. Successful leaders understand the value of listening as well as being heard and understood. They recognise that communication is a two-way street.

4. Understand your limits

Setting boundaries is critical for leaders. They must decide what and how much they are willing to tolerate in order to avoid causing the entire office a great deal of frustration and burden. This can help them avoid confusion and conflict within the team.

5. Continuous improvement

Successful leaders are always learning and expanding their knowledge. They constantly work to improve themselves and be better. Every project offers an opportunity to learn and master a new skill. Leaders keep an open mind to such possibilities and ideas and make an effort to master them.

The Top 5 Traits of a Good Manager

1. Expect excellence

Managers must set high realistic standards for their employees and expect them to meet them. Great managers aren’t always the nicest or toughest but rather those who get things done and produce tangible results. Employees are likely to step up their game and perform better once they realise that their manager demands excellence from them and others.

2. Communicate effectively

Communicating effectively is fundamental to sound management. Successful managers have excellent communication skills. It enables them to communicate organisational goals to their team effectively and keeps everyone on the same page.

3. Resolve conflicts

Workplace conflicts are inevitable. Common conflict issues include compensation, interpersonal problems, recognition and cost-cutting, among others. These conflicts often cause tension within and between teams, which can lead to decreased productivity.

While it may be tempting to ignore conflict, great managers do not avoid it and instead address any issues that arise fairly. It helps them release tension within teams and gain employee respect.

4. Be open to new perspectives

Great managers are constantly on the lookout for new opportunities. They make an effort to be good listeners, paying close attention to what others have to say or contribute.

Managers even frequently hold brainstorming sessions to solicit improvement ideas from employees within their organisation. It enables them to motivate employees, implement new technology, pivot to a new strategy or redesign work plans and scheduling.

5. Be decisive

Managers must be able to make and stick to decisions. Employees do not trust or are generally uneasy around managers who constantly change their minds on issues.

Decisive managers do not fear being wrong. They analyse the situations, use them as a learning experience and stand firm in their decisions. They also influence their employees and encourage them to be decisive.

Take Away

As you can see, there are many traits to develop when learning to be a good manager and leader. While professionals must have innate abilities and natural talent for the job, many of these qualities can be strengthened through proper management and leadership programmes.

Aspiring professionals can enrol in advanced certificate courses for leadership and management to hone their skills and delve deeper into the industry. So, if you want to make an impact in your organisation, enrol in the management and leadership programme now and get one step closer to your goal.

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Libby Austin

Libby Austin, the creative force behind, is a dynamic and versatile writer known for her engaging and informative articles across various genres. With a flair for captivating storytelling, Libby's work resonates with a diverse audience, blending expertise with a relatable voice.
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