You’ve spent a lot of money on your vehicle and care about it greatly. You don’t want to constantly be spending more money on costly maintenance for it.
Follow a couple of the simple maintenance tools below and protect your turbo engine.
1) Conduct A Regular Oil Maintenance
Turbo engines are made up of a large number of moving parts and these parts move at incredibly high speeds. If these parts fail to have the amount of lubrication needed, then they will be unable to run smoothly and something will be more likely to go wrong with your engine.
To guarantee that you’re getting the best performance out of your turbo engine, you should change your oil at least every 5,000 miles and replace it with a fully synthetic oil. Be sure to check your vehicles handbook and find the best oil choice for your car
2) Warm Up Your Engine Before Driving
When it’s cold out engine oil can fit in and this means that does not flow as thinly through your engine parts. this can increase the wear and tear but takes place on all the moving parts within your engine.
When you’re first driving your car, for 10 to 15 minutes go easy on your accelerator. If you attempt to go full throttle before the engine is completely warmed up, it will stain your turbo engine.
3) Be Aware Of Your Turbo Engine’s Limitations
While having turbos in your vehicle is great, part of the reason that the turbos are there is to make up for a lower capacity engine. This can be especially true in more environmentally friendly cars. Be sure to not over work your engine by pushing your accelerator too far.
If you are cruising down the highway, do not “floor” your accelartor and push it too quickly. Instead, slowly push down on the accelarot and ease into the higher speeds you want to drive at.
Although the turbos go through a wide variety of stress-tests before they ever make it onto the market (and into your vehicle), if you drive aggressively with them on a regular basis, it will be sure to take its toll over time. This could ultimately result in you doing some costly maintenance for your car.
4) Let Your Gears Overtake
Although your turbo engine gives your vehicle a lot of power, you should be sure to downshift at moments when you’re overtaking. Don’t solely rely on your car’s turbo for all of your vehicles’ accelerating performance.
Downshifting gears is a safer long-term option than only relying on your turbo engine.
5) Don’t Press On The Accelerator Right Before You Turn Off Your Engine
Imagine that you just parked your car, and you want to hear the revv of your engine. This itself is fine. However, if you turn your car off right after doing this, it can be bad for the turbo.
When your car is on, the oil will continue to move through the turbo parts until they stop, but if you turn your car off then the oil will stop following, although the turbo gears will continue to run.
Follow these simple tips to keep your turbos in top shape for the years to come!