Is digestive distress stressing you out? It can be challenging to pinpoint just what is tying your stomach in knots or making your digestion so unpleasant. Fortunately, we’ve gathered 5 of the most common digestion questions you might have with 5 quick and easy answers for them all! And the best part is, they all involve gut cleanses!
Here are 5 of the best cleansing supplements to help cleanse and detox your digestive system.
Question #1: My digestion needs help. Where should I start?
Answer: With one of the best cleansing supplements for detox, of course!
Usually when a digestive problem persists for longer than you thought it would, it could be a sign that your system is in need of a full gut cleanse and detox. But don’t be alarmed! A gut cleanse is easily achievable and can even be done from the convenience of your own home with some of the best cleansing supplements available. It’s a great way to keep your gut healthy and get rid of all the bad stuff that could be causing your discomfort.
If you’re not sure how to cleanse your gut, you can start with a strong 7-day probiotic cleanse like Renew Life Probiotics Ultimate Flora 200 Billion. This week-long program will cleanse and detox your GI tract so you can begin to heal your gut for a newer, healthier digestive system!
#2: What if my gut still needs a boost after a digestive cleanse?
Answer: Recovery doesn’t usually happen overnight. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t still do your best to help it along! The best cleansing supplements, like the one above, are usually very thorough at doing their job. Yet sometimes our stomachs need even more assistance than just cleansing. If you’re still experiencing sensitivity, it may be that your digestive system needs more time to return to balance.
If that’s the case, try Integrative Therapeutics Physicians Elemental Diet Dextrose Free, a meal replacement specially made for digestive distress! It aims to provide daily nutritional support to give your gut a break from digestion. It works wonders for IBS and severe digestive disorders too!
#3: How can I maintain better digestion and regularity?
Answer: A gut cleanse is great for flushing out your GI tract and getting it to feel like brand new. But we’ve still got to do our part to maintain that healthy function and balance for as long as we can to avoid running into any more digestive problems in the future.
If finding painless digestion and bowel regularity is the goal, then you can easily achieve those with fiber and prebiotics! Prebiotics feed the microflora in our gut and nourish them so they can do their job, which is, of course, keeping our gut healthy and supporting proper digestive function. Fiber, meanwhile, reduces constipation and helps to keep our bowel movement regular, as well as cleans out our intestines.
Renew Life Completely Clear Organic Prebiotic Fiber Powder combines the wonders of prebiotics and fiber into one supplement, so you don’t have to go looking for more! This prebiotic and fiber supplement promotes regular bowel movement, suppresses appetite for weight management, and balances the bacteria in our GI tract. It’s made from 100% soluble fiber derived from the cassava plant so you know it’s not only natural, but easily absorbable too!
#4: Should I take a daily probiotic?
Answer: Absolutely!
Probiotics promote a healthy balance of the “good” and “bad” bacteria in our gut, which is crucial to digestive health. If you’re worried that there may be an imbalance of microflora in your gut, then a probiotic is a good place to start. Either way, a probiotic supplement enhances our digestion, particularly after an intense gut cleanse, to help keep the balance of bacteria.
If you’re searching for daily digestive maintenance, American Health Chewable Acidophilus 1 Billion is the perfect chewable probiotic supplement for you! It does the job well and is safe for the whole family, so you can even give it to your kids. Plus, it supports the immune system, so you’re getting two for one!
#5: Should I take digestive enzymes to digest nutrients better?
Answer: Digestive enzymes are one of the most important cleansing supplements and are perfect for ongoing support and nutrient absorption! They help our body break down any tough proteins, fats, and carbohydrates for better digestion and nutrition. Enzymes are essential in a gut cleanse — how else would you absorb all of those good-for-you nutrients? So the answer here is obviously, with digestive enzymes!
If you want our recommendation, try Enzymedica Digest Gold Digestive Enzymes for excellent daily support and maximum absorption.
Rest and reset your GI tract with these cleansing supplements!
Our gut waits for no one. If you’re seeing the telltale signs that you might be in need of a full gut cleanse, there’s no better time than the present! Start feeling better as early as today! Be sure to check your local health supplement store for these amazing gut health cleanse products.