Popular models of Littemann stethoscope

If you have been convinced to buy an electronic stethoscope on your turn, then you may want to know the options you have.

Littman electronic 3200 & 3100

Littman did not become a leading brand without a reason. It is a company that have longest trajectory and it is most valued by medical professionals. By now, they have two different models, they are 3100 and 3200. When it comes to the acoustic results, the two models are identical and they do achieve to same results. The difference between them is that Littman 3200 is a capable of recording 30 seconds of auscultations while there is a wireless transmission using Bluetooth. With it, it is easy for the doctor to share the recorded information to other colleagues to get a second opinion and they store the information in the history file of the client. They can also use the records for educational purpose. To use the Bluetooth option, then you will need Bluetooth adaptor with a window PC.

Thinklabs One

This is an electronic stethoscope capable to challenge classic image of the acoustic stethoscopes. It is a round and small device and it does not have any tube, olives or binaural.

It has earphones with a jack of 3.5mm. It features electronic diaphragm which becomes sensitive under pressure. This allows catching low frequency sounds and it intensifies the pressure when applied at a client. It is possible to adjust the sensitivity using the screen and modifying the filter applied on the obtained auscultation. The control panels of the stethoscope are minimalist and simple.

However, it does not have any noise reduction system and there is no way of amplifying auscultation without amplifying environmental noise’s volume. This means that if it is used in an environment with too much noise, then it can create problems.

When it comes to connectivity, Thinklabs One is capable to upload the auscultation in PC, Mac, Android and iOS devices. It does not offer build-in wireless connectivity but the transmission happens with the adapter that helps the connection to other devices.

EKo Core

First, this is not the stethoscope as any other but it is an accessory that can be added on a traditional acoustic stethoscope so that it can work as a digital stethoscope. A user removes a chest piece from his traditional stethoscope and then he can replace it using the Eko Core. Then a user connects an adapter tube which is included at another extreme for the Eko Core and it will connect to the acoustic chestpiece at the return. The stethoscope is capable to bypass another stethoscope. With it, you can use your stethoscope in both electronic and analogic mode when you just touch at its button. An electronic model offers the amplification of 40 times and it has environmental noise reduction system. The battery is rechargeable and it offers 9 hours as standalone time. It is also have Bluetooth connectivity.…

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William Woodall

Hi, My name is William Woodall, and I am a person who is determined to make the world a better place. I like to be around people and enjoy adventure and challenges.
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