Most Common Causes of Miscarriage

A miscarriage is a devastating experience for any woman. It is defined as the loss of a pregnancy and occurs in 15-20% of all clinically recognized pregnancies. The excellent majority end within the first 12 weeks (the first trimester). However, a miscarriage can take place at any time during the entire 40 week gestation period. Some of the signs of a miscarriage include vaginal bleeding, cramping, and the passing of fetal tissue. A woman may also experience a fever, nausea, or vomiting. There are many causes of miscarriage, some of which are unknown. If you are pregnant or have had a miscarriage in Newport Beach Nidhee Sachdev, a miscarriage specialist, can analyze your situation to determine the cause and help you prevent another miscarriage in the future. This article looks at some of the common causes of miscarriages.

1. Fetal Abnormalities

One of the most common causes of miscarriage is a fetal abnormality. This occurs when the baby is developmentally abnormal and is not likely to survive after birth. This can be due to genetic abnormalities or environmental factors. Approximately half of all miscarriages are due to fetal abnormalities.

2. Chromosomal Abnormalities

One of the most common genetic causes of miscarriage is a chromosomal abnormality. This occurs when there is an error in the DNA of the baby. This can result in a congenital disability or Down Syndrome. Approximately 2% of miscarriages are due to chromosomal abnormalities.

3. Infection

Infection is another common cause of miscarriage. This can be due to a virus, bacteria, or parasite. Some infections can cross the placenta and harm the baby. Examples of infections that can cause miscarriage include rubella, cytomegalovirus, and listeria. Approximately 1-2% of miscarriages are due to infection.

4. Molar Pregnancy

A molar pregnancy occurs when the baby develops from abnormal tissue growth in the uterus. This is called a hydatidiform mole. It can be hard to differentiate between this and a normal pregnancy. Still, if you are older than 35 years of age, have irregular periods, or have had two or more miscarriages, then it is likely that you have a molar pregnancy. Approximately 1 in 100 pregnancies is affected by molar pregnancy.

5. Autoimmune Disorders

Autoimmune disorders can also cause miscarriage. This occurs when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the fetus. Some of the most common autoimmune diseases that can cause miscarriage include lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and antiphospholipid syndrome. Approximately 5-10% of miscarriages are due to autoimmune disorders.

6. Smoking

Smoking is another known cause of miscarriage. This is because smoking increases the risk of fetal abnormalities and infection. Smoking also reduces the blood supply to the uterus, leading to miscarriage. Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemical components, which can cause congenital disabilities. Approximately 30-50% of women who smoke while pregnant will miscarry.

7. Uterine and Cervical Problems

There are several uterine and cervical problems that can cause miscarriage. These include fibroids, polyps, and anatomic abnormalities. Additionally, a weak or incompetent cervix can lead to miscarriage. Approximately 2-5% of miscarriages are due to uterine and cervical problems.

In summary, a miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy and occurs in 15-20% of all clinically recognized pregnancies. The most common causes of miscarriage include uterine and cervical issues, fetal and chromosomal abnormalities, smoking, and autoimmune disorders. Molar pregnancy and infection also rank among the prevalent causes of miscarriage.

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Libby Austin

Libby Austin, the creative force behind, is a dynamic and versatile writer known for her engaging and informative articles across various genres. With a flair for captivating storytelling, Libby's work resonates with a diverse audience, blending expertise with a relatable voice.
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