The US records around 35,000 fatal accidents and crashes each year. 8 percent of these crashes involve big rigs and large trucks, as per the Fatal Analysis Reporting System (FARS) data. When in a mess, only truck crash attorneys in Los Angeles can help.

Even though the number of truck accidents may be relatively smaller when compared to cars and other vehicles, the survey reveals that truck-related crashes are responsible for approximately 46 percent of traffic deaths each year.

The two main factors contributing to the higher rate of truck crashes and accidents in the USA are:

  • Fatigued Drivers:While the number of truck crashes has gradually decreased over the past couple of years, there is no decline in the number of fatigue-related truck crashes. There is a federal law limiting the number of hours, or time, drivers should operate commercial trucks and vehicles.

Some studies have shown that fatigued driving is dangerous, as much as DUI driving. Several surveys support this finding. The majority of crashes happen between 12 AM and 3 AM, before early dawn – the time that is set for sleeping.

To deal with this issue, the American Federal Government passed the HOS (Hours of Service) Regulation limiting the time of operations for commercial drivers.

The regulation is typically based on extensive surveys and scientific data, covering the following types of vehicles:

  • Weighing 10,001 lbs and higher
  • Used for inter-state goods transportation
  • Used for transporting hazardous materials
  • Used for transporting 16 passengers or more

Under the regulations of HOS, drivers of commercial product-carrying vehicles should get a minimum of 10 hours of quality rest before driving up to 11 hours maximum. They should also get 8 hours of restful sleep with a two-hour break.

Likewise, drivers of passenger-carrying trucks or vehicles must get eight hours rest before driving up to 10 hours maximum. They should also get 8 hours of restful sleep in a sleeper berth.

  • Reckless Motorists:According to a Los Angeles researcher, around 75 percent of all truck-related crashes and accidents happen due to reckless motorists and not the truck drivers. With the result of this research, experts believe that private drivers are simply unaware of the limits of the truck.

In case of a truck-related crash, the most common and fatal mistakes those private drivers commit are:

  • Making a sudden left turn right in front of the truck
  • Changing lanes dangerously without giving a signal to the approaching truck
  • Driving right in front of the truck and suddenly reducing speed
  • Failing to judge the speed of the truck
  • Driving between trucks
  • Driving in the blind spot of the truck

Since the truck drivers’ wages depend largely on the number of kilometers or miles they drive, it is foreseeable that such accidents would occur. The Government of Los Angeles, and the USA, have various regulations for companies and truck drivers to abide by. However, both parties often neglect these rules only to land up in an accident. If you are in the middle of one such case, with efficient and expert lawyers you can come out of it. Lawyers can determine whether the company employing the driver or the driver was negligent to cause the accident.

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Libby Austin

Libby Austin, the creative force behind, is a dynamic and versatile writer known for her engaging and informative articles across various genres. With a flair for captivating storytelling, Libby's work resonates with a diverse audience, blending expertise with a relatable voice.
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