Nowadays, the outlook for global markets makes it necessary to find a way to earn extra income. Are you interested in discovering a field in which you can work with minimal effort and that will bring you substantial and fast income? Then audiobook publishing on Amazon is probably an option you’ve considered. And because you are an informed person who is always in tune with the changing trends, you may have heard about the six-week program promoted by the Mikkelsen brothers.

What is it? In short, it is a course that can help you identify ways to take advantage of Amazon’s policy and publish audiobooks with the help of ghostwriters and anonymous narrators with minimal investment. According to Christian and Rasmus, your profit will be guaranteed, and that’s why their course comes with a money-back guarantee policy in case you don’t make a profit in more than one hundred and eighty days. However, the world of audiobook publishing is more complicated than it might seem at first glance, and any quality Rasmus and Christian Mikkelsen review should convey this.

Publishing audiobooks on Amazon can be lucrative if you possess original ideas, have already published your work, or are experienced with this platform. But at the same time, the audiobook market is crowded, and as Christian Mikkelsen points out in his seminar, you will need to find a niche to have a chance to stand out and raise a significant amount of money. However, you’re probably the kind of person who needs more details. So, in the next few minutes, we’ll present the price and history of Rasmus and Christian’s published course, offer some facts about them, and list the general pros and cons of publishing Audiobooks on Amazon.

Who Is Christian Mikkelsen and His Brother?

Any review of the course promoted by the Mikkelsen brothers should include a short history of their entrepreneurial activities. Rasmus and Christian Mikkelsen are two American brothers who, for two years, lived and studied in Denmark. Let down by the job opportunities in Europe; they returned to the United States, where they tried various gigs, including dropshipping until they hit it big with audiobook publishing for Amazon. In 2018, they raised shy of $60,000 from audiobook publishing, a not insignificant amount.

However, their success was short-lived, with their Amazon accounts being suspended in 2019 for publishing content using artificial intelligence. With all that said, Rasmus and Christian pretend they’ve learned their lesson. To that end, they have created a six-week program called the Audiobook Income Academy to introduce young entrepreneurs to methods of using Amazon to their advantage. According to them, their course is self-paced, includes no upfront costs, and leads to guaranteed returns.

Is the Program a Scam?

Probably not, but it may be a waste of time. Anyone interested in a Rasmus and Christian Mikkelsen review will probably want to learn more about their course and the amount charged for enrolment. The Audiobook Academy is a training course that lasts six weeks and is in its second iteration. Its price is $1497, and that’s for a special discount. On the other hand, if you decide to pay in three separate installments, the amount is $797 per month. So, it’s costly. But is it worth it? It depends. The first three weeks of the course can be considered introductory and cover the basics of the systems implemented by Amazon, lists the niche categories you should focus your efforts on, and introduces the concept of Ghost Audio.

What is Ghost Audio? It is the method used by the Mikkelsen brothers to create audiobooks with minimal effort. But you’ve been looking for a Christian Mikkelsen review, so you probably want more details. With Ghost Audio, the Mikkelsen brothers show how you can buy the services of affordable ghostwriters and find anonymous narrators to present your books precisely how you want. The methods you learn with this course are secret and, according to the Mikkelsen brothers, are the reason for the final cost of the training program.

Weeks four, five, and six focus on identifying trends in the market, finding the perfect time to launch your book, using social platforms to grow your audience, and running ads to generate more exposure for your published audiobooks. Overall, the course they offer is not groundbreaking, but it provides some valuable information that could help you take advantage of the ever-growing market of audiobook publishing. However, their module is expensive, and any Ramus and Christian Mikkelsen review must also mention their tarnished reputation. Nevertheless, the course shows positive reviews, so it cannot be considered a scam in the true sense of the word.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Publishing Audiobooks on Amazon?

You searched for a review of the program offered by the Mikkelsen brothers, so you’re most likely interested in discovering the pros and cons of publishing Audiobooks on Amazon. And you wouldn’t be alone. Amazon is the most popular online marketplace on the planet, creating opportunities and fierce competition for publishers. The main advantage of publishing Audiobooks is the broad reach of the audience you have access to and the ease with which books in different subject areas can be found. Moreover, in the case of exclusive publishing with Amazon, your royalties will stand at 40%, and as Amazon owns Audible, books published through them will also be automatically eligible for the latter platform.

Yet, contrary to what the Mikkelsen brothers say, who are primarily interested in selling you their course, Amazon publishing also has drawbacks. For one, finding an audience is challenging, as the number of audiobooks published daily constantly increases. To succeed, the books published must be of exceptional quality and fall within a niche domain. Is it possible to make a profit? Of course, but it won’t be easy, and the income won’t be guaranteed monthly. To increase your chances, you must invest in the services of renowned narrators that use professional tools, which may require a significant investment.

Is it Worth it?

The answer to this question depends on the risks you are willing to take. Any Rasmus and Christian Mikkelsen review should state the relatively high price tag of their course and the controversial background of the two brothers. However, this does not mean that their information is useless. Yes, at almost $1500, the Audiobooks Income Academy is not cheap, but at the same time, Rasmus and Christian Mikkelsen guarantee their services with a money-back guarantee plus an additional $1000 if you don’t generate at least $5000 within one hundred and eighty days after completing the course. Considering the positive reviews for the system, their training program might be worth it.

Is audiobook publishing the right fit for you? It depends on your creativity. As the Mikkelsen brothers will tell you, success is only guaranteed if you can develop something unique. Audiobook publishing can be a lucrative industry that you can take advantage of. But at the same time, your published works must be first-rate, and the content must bring something fresh to the table. Given that Amazon is a giant platform, it will be challenging to make your works visible, and the use of ghostwriters and anonymous narrators can be a double-edged sword.

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Libby Austin

Libby Austin, the creative force behind, is a dynamic and versatile writer known for her engaging and informative articles across various genres. With a flair for captivating storytelling, Libby's work resonates with a diverse audience, blending expertise with a relatable voice.
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