How to Stay Properly Hydrated After Smoking a Cigar

Smoking can have a negative impact on many areas related to hydration. In particular, the practice can dry out air passages and increase the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. However, life is often a process of balancing out lifestyle factors and you can stay properly hydrated while still enjoying a good cigar. It simply requires some attention to a few important tips.

Drink Water

Drinking and staying hydrated might seem like an obvious suggestion. However, it’s one of the most common mistakes people make. You can’t simply ingest any random drink. It’s best to consider them in terms of hydration. You might enjoy soda, coffee, and tea just as much as you do cigars. However, the caffeine content in those beverages makes them a poor match for smoking. Caffeine is a diuretic and can dry you out instead of providing hydration.

Drink Often

It’s also important to drink regularly before, during, and after you smoke your cigar. People often make a mistake in thinking that hydration guidelines mean they can simply chug water and consider the chore done for the day. But you need to consider why you’re becoming dehydrated in the first place.

You’re enjoying your cigar on a continual basis. And that means it’s also acting as a continual irritant for your respiratory system. You need to apply a continual balm to help ease that effect. In short, you need to continually sip water just as you continually take puffs of the cigar. You should precede and follow that up with larger amounts of water to help hydrate your entire system. You don’t need to chug the drink. However, it should be more generous than the gradual sips you take while smoking your cigar.

Healthy Foods and Healthy Hydration

You can also help your health and hydration at the same time by paying attention to your diet. You’ve probably heard time and time again that you should eat your vegetables. It’s important advice for everyone. However, the suggestion is even more important for smokers. A healthy and balanced diet has been shown to help protect against a wide range of issues. But fruits and vegetables also typically have a lot of water. Blueberries, strawberries, watermelon, cucumbers, and more can provide both nutrients and hydration at the same time. In fact, vegetables are often about 90% water by weight.

Minimize your alcohol intake

Alcohol is a bit of a sensitive subject when it comes to smoking cigars. Many people’s favorite way to relax is through a combination of their favorite cigar and favorite drink. Add a comfortable fire and you’ve got a scene that’s iconic for its soothing connotations. However, like caffeine, alcohol is a diuretic. This doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a good drink with your cigar. But you should try to drink in moderation and appreciate the taste of the drink just as you do with the taste of the cigar.


As with most things in life, much of this simply comes down to moderation. For example, you don’t have to drink water constantly until you feel yourself close to bursting. Nor do you have to have carrots and berries with you all day. But healthy habits can become the solid foundation that gives you room to build and play with the rest of life’s joys.

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Freddie Gethin

Freddie Gethin, a Health and Wellness Specialist with a Doctorate in Medicine, focuses on medical research, public health trends, and wellness advice. His clinical experience and research background provide a foundation for his practical and scientifically backed health guidance, benefiting healthcare professionals and the general public.
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