How to Choose the Best Dog Shock Collar

The idea behind resorting to a shock collar is not to harm your canine but rather to grab their attention. Besides the neck, you may choose to fasten the collar on another part of your pooch’s body. Also known as a zap collar, remote training collar or e-collar, a dog shock collar serves the following purposes:

  • Trains your furry pal by correcting unwanted and stubborn behaviour
  • Discourages excessive and unnecessary barking
  • Checks food aggression tendencies
  • Restricts your loyal companion’s movement for safety purposes

These collars are powered by batteries and include a transmitter that wirelessly controls the collar. Not all remotely controlled collars supply an electric shock. Some emit high-frequency noises while others release foul-smelling sprays. The shock signal is meant to caution or effectively punish your dog from a distance when they misbehave.

For those of you indecisive about using dog shock collars, let us throw light on their plus points:

  • You may adjust the intensity of the shock signal your pet receives to a vibration or warning beep
  • Your furry pal will soon display a favourable change in behaviour
  • In your absence, your commands will get effectively communicated to your pet pooch
  • A cheaper alternative to employing professional dog trainers

When four-legged mates cannot see or hear the instructions of their owners or trainers, a dog shock collar comes in handy. Source this tool so you can use it to train and correct your canine’s unruly behaviour from the word go. To invest in an approved shock collar, pay close attention to the following features:

Is a Comfortable Fit

Before making a purchase, take proper measurements of your dog’s neck where you intend to attach the collar. To successfully deliver the shock, the metal prongs that jut out from the collar must make contact with your canine’s skin. Moreover, the shock collar should neither be too loose nor too tight, just comfortable when worn.

Offers Multiple Options

To begin with, you must be able to adjust the settings provided on the shock collar. Start with the mildest setting and gradually increase the intensity if you absolutely must. An inbuilt blinking light allows you to spot your pooch in the dark.

Many of these collars offer a variety of corrective styles that include vibrations, an audible tone, and an apparent electric shock. Effortlessly switching from one style to another must be doable on the shock collar you purchase.

Comes With Warranty

Electronic devices are prone to developing some snag or the other, so it is advisable to always check for a warranty. With such a facility, you can at least get a replacement should something go wrong during the warranty period. A replacement works more economical than having to buy another new collar soon after investing in the first one.

Conforms To Weight Specifications

Every dog shock collar must specify the acceptable weight the animal using the collar should have. Always confirm your dog’s present weight and double-check that the collar you intend purchasing is appropriate for use.

Completely Waterproof

Mixing electricity and water is a dangerous proposition from all accounts. You may want to train your dog while swimming or in the rain. Having to remove the collar to avoid contact with water, defeats its very purpose. Better still, opt for only water-resistant collar designs.

Uses Rechargeable Batteries

Collars that use rechargeable batteries are your best bet as they prove to be cost-effective. Another plus is when smaller batteries power the shock collar, it does not restrict your dog’s mobility by weighing them down.

Many quality collars have a provision of charging cable splitter. Using this facility makes it possible to charge the receiver components and the transmitter simultaneously.

Functions at Sufficient Range

You should be able to control your pet even when he or she is further away from you. Being able to control the shock collar from a distance of 800 to 1000 feet works well, especially when out in a wide-open expanse.

To make sure the collar meets your specifications, ideally choose one that exceeds your range requirement by 10 to 20 per cent. In that case, even if the manufacturer exaggerates the workable distance, you will not be left stranded.

Invest in a branded shock collar that is known for its durability and functionality. Preferably acquaint your dogs with basic commands before fitting them with the collar so they can better comprehend your intentions. This way, your pet will be easy to train and enjoy the training, too.

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Libby Austin

Libby Austin, the creative force behind, is a dynamic and versatile writer known for her engaging and informative articles across various genres. With a flair for captivating storytelling, Libby's work resonates with a diverse audience, blending expertise with a relatable voice.
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