Halloween is the perfect time to enjoy horror movies with your family. Here are the top 6 films that will make you scream. Visit the xCine and download them!
Halloween is coming!
What to do if you are not young enough to get dressed up with a fun and crazy costume? – Actually a lot.
For example, you can take your naughty cousins to the trick-or-treat games. Or, stay at home waiting to feed trick-or-treaters. But the most exciting thing is to gather your buddies to watch some horror movies, right at home and for free!
At xCine – I might add.
Ready to countdown the top 6 horror movies in 2019?
#6. Happy Death Day 2U
A happy birthday turns into a death day! (Source: https://www.wikilistia.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Happy-Death-Day-2U.png)
This movie is creepy right from the poster – a killer wearing an iconic baby mask.
Those having watched Happy Death Day (2017) will desire to know the fate of Tree Gelbham, whether she has to relive her birthday over and over again and die a painful death in the end.
In Happy Death Day 2U, the time loop would truly stop when Tree unmasked the killer. Then, we are clued why the situation started at first.
In general, the director managed to put the viewers on the tongue-in-cheek jokes while in the fear of death at the same time. However, the script is a bit too complicated!
Overall: 6.5 out of 10.
#5. Escape Room
Escape Room is The Crystal Maze, plus more death. (Source: https://ewscripps.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/9c22981/2147483647/strip/true/crop/677×381+0+0/resize/1280×720!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fewscripps.brightspotcdn.com%2F32%2Ff4%2F591f059a4b07927df8a892517d60%2Fescaperoom-768×432-678×381.jpg)
What to do when you are given a puzzle box and invited into a game who the winner can get up to $10,000? – I bet almost all of you will join with excitement. However, you had better be careful before it becomes a life-or-death competition as it was in the Escape Room.
I like how the pace of all the stories was extremely fast right from the beginning. I still remember my heart bumped like a dryer with shoes in it watching a man managing to solve the puzzle in the last 10 minutes. Such an intense scene!
No more spoil, check the movie out by yourself!
Overall: 7 out of 10.
#4. Crawl
Human vs. Alligator – Who wins? (Source: https://a.ltrbxd.com/resized/sm/upload/nu/78/gz/u0/crawl-2019-1200-1200-675-675-crop-000000.jpg)
I just watched this movie a while ago. Since then, I have kept recommending it for my buddies. Crawl is undoubtedly a horror blockbuster this summer.
The script writers are excellent at telling a story when they put all horror in the heart of the hurricane. The plot is straight and 60% of the movie is the running, screaming, and fighting scenes. You feel tense all the time, waiting for unpredictable changes of Mother Nature, the sudden appearance of giant competitors – the alligators, and above all, the father-daughter relationship.
This Halloween, you can enjoy this film with your father!
Overall: 7.5 out of 10.
#3. Ready or Not
Ready or not to see this beautiful lady? (Source: https://i2.wp.com/scariesthings.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Ready-Or-Not-Movie-Trailer-2019.jpg)
Will you be happy ever after when marrying a super-wealthy spouse?
Maybe not if his family do not like you very much.
Take Grace (Samara Weaving) in the horror movie “Ready or Not” for example.
Right after the wedding, Grace was asked to play a board game as the family tradition. Unfortunately, she chose the hide-and-seek in which she was the hider and his husband’s relatives are seekers.
“Find and you will die!” – it was the brutal rule. Players were given weapons that could kill others in 1 second. There were even many zoom-up killing parts.
Blood, violence, thrilling, and ridiculous. Thankfully, the film succeeded in maintaining a good balance of all.
However, do not let your children watch this movie. “Ready or Not” is rated R.
Overall: 8 out of 10.
#2. Midsommar
Look peaceful, but truly dreadful! (Source: https://static.wixstatic.com/media/4e9709_a31ec53c40794e3f892b2acfda50e820~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_630,h_313,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/4e9709_a31ec53c40794e3f892b2acfda50e820~mv2.jpg)
The movie is by Ari Aster who made the boom “Hereditary” last year. Hence, you are assured to enjoy it!
The main characters, Dani (Florence Pughe) and his boyfriend, was looking forward to their vacation in a peaceful Swedish village. The beginning of the movie was full of the summer vibes: sunshine, poetic landscapes, and friendly villagers. You can hardly imagine this was the setting of all tragic deaths after.
I do not want to spoil much. I just can’t help but wondering why there is a horror film that is gory but stunningly gorgeous at the same time. The cinematography is truly a masterpiece.
Those impatient might not like the slow and methodical plot of the movie. However, you should know that the characters are psychological and act very well. In addition, the dialogue is colorful and real so that you feel the scare crawling at you rather than jumping at you suddenly. This is even more scary!
Overall: 8.5 out of 10.
#1. The Lighthouse
This is when Robert Pattinson took a horror film! (Source: https://cdn3.movieweb.com/i/article/EE5TeAUtUWLXFGVzwZ41rDEBxasiZQ/798:50/The-Lighthouse-Movie-Trailer-2019.jpg)
I had waited for The Lighthouse since 2018, and thankfully, it totally lived up to my expectations.
The very first impression was on the dreadful black-and-white screen, in which two men – Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson struggled together at sea to fight the stormy weather.
So, what is “horror” exactly?
Access the xCine, search for the film, and you will feel the scare yourself!
Overall: 9 out of 10.
Final Thoughts
By Halloween, you should see all of the films recommended here. They are all available at the xCine – for totally free and in the HD quality.
Check out right now!