Divorce proceedings sound menacing. However, in the 21st century, couples can settle things amicably.
With online divorce, spouses can end their relationship officially as soon as possible. It is an affordable and fast option for an uncontested divorce.
And if partners meet all the requirements, they can even have a do-it-yourself (DIY) divorce without an attorney. Moreover, if spouses do not need to hire a lawyer, they can also save on additional costs.
How to Get an Online Divorce
First of all, let us explain that divorce over the Internet is not an official court decree on the dissolution of marriage. Instead, web divorce is a quick and inexpensive way to prepare divorce papers online.
Usually, online divorce companies deal with uncontested cases.
To complete and submit legal documents in Georgia, spouses must fulfill several requirements.
Residency Requirements
The residency requirement determines whether a spouse is eligible to apply for divorce in the state. If both spouses do not qualify, they should wait until the conditions are met or file in another state where they meet local requirements.
To file for a divorce in Georgia, at least one of the spouses must have lived in the state for at least six months before submitting. It means that the petitioner can file for divorce in the state where the respondent lives without hindrance.
To prove residency, spouses may present a valid Georgia driver’s license, voter’s registration card, or a witness statement.
Contested or Uncontested Divorce
The Georgia laws do not prohibit couples from filing for a contested divorce. After all, not all spouses can agree on child custody, property division, and spousal support (alimony) before the court.
However, if partners want to use online divorce, they should negotiate an amicable dissolution. The couple can settle the matter independently or with the help of a neutral third party.
Experienced mediators listen to both sides and offer a compromise solution. If the spouses agree to the suggested divorce terms, they sign a Settlement Agreement.
Completing Divorce Forms Online
Having fulfilled the basic requirements, spouses can select and fill out paperwork.
Step 1. Choose a specialized platform to select and complete divorce filings online. Now there are many such services. However, they differ in price, quality, and offered services.
Step 2: Provide the required information about your marriage and separation. The petitioner needs to go through an online interview or questionnaire. Questions will concern children (if any), property, and financial matters. Spouses need to answer truthfully and not hide assets or other important factors; otherwise, they expose themselves to legal consequences.
The spouses will also need to point out the grounds for divorce during the survey. It is one of the necessary points, as it can directly affect the length and cost of a divorce.
Georgia allows both fault and no-fault divorce. Grounds for fault-based divorce include:
- adultery;
- impotence;
- alcoholism and drug addiction of either spouse;
- conviction of and imprisonment for two years or more for an offense involving moral turpitude;
- incurable insanity;
- cruel treatment that may endanger the life of the spouse;
- abandonment or willful desertion for one year;
- habitual drunkenness;
- the wife was pregnant by another man at the time of the marriage, which was unknown to the husband;
- the consent obtained to marriage was obtained by fraud, under duress, or by force;
- incest;
- the spouse lacked the mental capacity to consent.
When pointing out the specific wrongdoing of the other spouse, the petitioner should provide proof. Depending on the type of evidence, the court will need time to review its validity and relevance to the case. After that, the trial will continue.
The grounds for divorce without fault include “irreconcilable differences” that make reconciliation impossible either now or in the future. By stating irreconcilable differences, spouses do not need to answer confusing and uncomfortable questions in court. As a result, the court will not take additional time to consider the factors provided.
Step 3. Double-check the entered data. After completing the questionnaire, the spouses should check whether they have entered the information correctly. Even the slightest mistake may cause the court to reject the documents.
Step 4. Generate and complete your forms. After the spouses verify the information, the system will help them generate the papers according to the case circumstances and the latest state requirements. After that, spouses can download their ready-made documents from their accounts and print them.
Step 5. File with the court. Spouses managing their divorce proceedings without a lawyer need to submit the papers to the nearest county court. Usually, online divorce services also provide their clients with easy-to-follow filing instructions.
The petitioner should prepare two additional copies of all documents, which will remain with the spouses after verification by the county clerk. The judge will get the original for consideration of the case.
When filing a document, the petitioner should also pay filing fees. Depending on the case complexity and the county, the cost may vary. Typically it is about $200 to $300
If the petitioner has a low income, they can file for a payment waiver. After that, the divorce process will begin as soon as the court considers the payment paid.
However, the petitioner must serve the other spouse with a copy of the divorce documents. The easiest way is to ask the other party to sign an “Acknowledgment of Service.” It works in an uncontested divorce when both spouses agree to divorce. In more complicated situations, you can contact the sheriff’s office in the county where your spouse lives, and they will deliver the documents.
The waiting period after serving the respondent is 30 days. After the expiration of this period, the court may grant a divorce.
Final Words
Getting a divorce may seem like a maze at first glance. It is difficult for those facing it for the first time to figure out where to start. That is why people need a mentor. For some, it is a Divorce lawyer; for others, it is a specialized online platform. Everyone chooses the most suitable and affordable way.