For over 2 years now the fashion industry has been searching for more ways to be sustainable. It is great news for those of us who have a more eco-friendly approach to life and to style.
This is why it is important that we know what is sustainable and what is not to help the fashion world become one of the leading industries in sustainability and eco-friendliness.
From one piece swimwear to jeans or even bras. It is the material that dictates how sustainable it is. So, which materials are the most sustainable, and therefore the most eco friendly?
Sustainability: Meaning
Understanding the real and true meaning of sustainability is something that most of us struggle with, especially when it comes to clothing. So, what exactly makes something sustainable?
The first thing that makes an item sustainable is the resources. This includes how much land, water, energy, pesticides, and Co2 were needed to create the fabric.
Then there is the treatment, this means how intensive the process is of turning the fiber into its respective yarn. This also includes any harmful chemicals in its production process, and also how they are disposed of as well.
Finally, disposability is the final factor. This means the longevity of the material. Considering if it can be recycled and if it is biodegradable. Learn more about Eco-Friendly Fabrics at
The Least Sustainable Materials
Sadly the majority of harmful, non-sustainable materials are the ones which are the most popular. This includes synthetic materials such as; nylon, spandex, polyester, and acrylic.
A majority of these man-made materials are made using toxic chemicals such as plastic, and are often treated with toxic chemicals, which never break down easily, or even at all.
Prior to ending up in a landfill they will also usually shed microplastics each time when they are washed, making them pollute the water wherever they go.
If it cannot be avoided using these productions, you should at least stay away from virgin products, which are usually made from often untouched raw resources such as crude oil.
The Most Sustainable Materials
The most clean and eco-friendly options that are available today are usually natural fibers which are processed and cultivated without any chemicals. This includes plant-based materials such as linen, cotton, hemp, and so on.
Animal by-products such as wool and silk.
So, here are the most sustainable materials in more detail…
Hemp is one of the most versatile plants that can be used on our planet. It can be used for medicine, food, materials, cosmetics and so on. It is actually one of the oldest fibers to be used for clothing.
It is a product that has been used for many hundreds of years, thanks to it being sustainable all season, and it is able to soften more and more as it is washed more and more.
It is also very low maintenance as a plant, it doesn’t need all that much water, nor does it need any pesticides, and it is naturally eco-friendly.
It even brings nutrition back to the soil. When it is organically grown, without the assistance of any chemicals to speed up its process it is even more sustainable.
Cotton is a natural fiber, and one of the more common fabrics out there, however it can conventionally cause quite a few issues. It is very intensive in water, and it is also intensive when it comes to chemicals as well. This can be very negative for the environment.
Organic cotton will be grown in a way that does not require any chemicals or pesticides, so it is more eco-friendly.
Organic linen’s benefits are very alike to those of organic hemp. It has been grown for many hundreds of years and is pretty low maintenance, as well as being biodegradable if untreated.
The entire plant can also be used in the creation of the fabric allowing for little to no waste.
Recycled Fabric
Recycled cotton is the best kind, and it is generally true with a lot of fabrics. The argument is the same that is used when it comes to the purchasing of second hand clothing.
In using recycled products you are not using up any new materials or resources, and thus prevent wasting fabric.
Not as popular as other materials, lyocell is lightweight and is made from wood pulp, having some great properties such as anti-bacterial properties, odor free, moisture resistance and absorbency.
It is biodegradable, and does not need chemical digestion.
Learn more about various types of clothes and technologies being used to create new and better qualities, on this website: