Dishwashers can be a brilliant help in any household. Not only do they prevent you from having to clean the dishes but it can also help to keep your kitchen tidy. The problem with these great machines is that many users just presume to know how they work but this can lead to stained dishes and ruined utensils.
There are a lot of common mistakes that people commit but thankfully we’re here to put that right. Following these tips will not only help to produce cleaner dishes but it’ll also help to extend the life of your dishwasher.
Tip #1 – Don’t bother prewashing
In theory, it makes sense. Give your dishes a quick soak so that your dishwasher has less work to do. In reality, this is simply just wasting your time. All you need to do before placing your dishes in the machine is to scrape off as much waste as possible from the plate.
The detergent and high temperatures will make soaking your dishes meaningless. Prewashing plates and bowls can also trick your washer into thinking that not as much cleaning is required. This can leave utensils without a proper clean.
Tip #2 – Don’t overfill your dishwasher
It’s always tempting to try and get all your dishes cleaned in one go as it is less effort. You cave save time, money and energy, right? Well this is usually counterproductive as it can often mean needing to rewash dishes.
If the jets can’t reach the dishes or you have one dish blocking the other then it makes cleaning very difficult. If you have surplus dishes when it’s best to either hand wash them or either wait until the cycle is finished, put them in the dishwasher and wait until it’s full to run it again.
Tip #3 – Use gel packs
We’ve probably all seen videos of people putting regular determent into their dishwasher only to find that it suddenly becomes overloaded with bubbles. You have two options of either using tablets or you can use gel packs which will disintegrate in your dishwasher.
Tablets are great but often they don’t disperse fully and you can be left with a sludgy mess in your tablet compartment. A gel pack will release and fully disintegrate while leaving you with dishes that are perfectly clean with no residue left behind.
Tip #4 – Use rinse aid if you start getting streaks
One of the worst things about using a dishwasher is that after a while you will start getting streaks on your glasses which doesn’t look great. It can be hard for it to rinse effectively but a lot of people just accept this and then run their glasses under some water.
Instead, you can use a rinse aid that will aid your glasses in the drying process and work to prevent any streaks from happening. If you’re looking for a homemade solution then vinegar would also be able to do the same job.
Tip #5 – Don’t just stick to one cycle
It’s easy to just stick the dishwasher on the setting that you always use and let it run. Just like using a washing machine, it makes sense to use the settings to get the optimal amount of performance from your dishwasher.
If you’re unaware of the cycles then just give you manual a quick read as it could save you time as well as money on energy. Quick cycles are available if your dishes only need a light wash but if you have burnt in stains, then a longer heavy-duty wash may be needed.
Tip #6 – Wash your dishwasher
Your dishwasher gets through an incredible amount of dirt and it’s obvious that the dishwasher will start to feel the effects of that over time. If you don’t maintain your washer then it’ll start to try to clean your dishes with dirty water which can leave a grimy finish.
All you need to do is to remove the filter, empty out the debris, clean it and replace it. You can also get tablets that are specifically made for cleaning the inside of your dishwasher and breaking down any mineral residue. In order to keep your dishes clean, keep your dishwasher clean.
Tip #7 – Try to avoid dried food
If you give your dishwasher a stubborn stain to remove then it’s going to have to work a lot hard. You should try and avoid dried foods as these are a lot harder. One way to do this is to load your dishwasher as soon as you can.
If you let your dishwasher build up over a few days then there are a few things you can do. One is just to give your dishes a very quick rinse before you place them in the dishwasher. Another idea is to put on a quick rinse if your dishes have been sat in there for a while.