Getting into an automobile accident is one of the most stressful things you can go through. Even the easiest accidents can wreak havoc on your nerves. No matter how careful you are, there’s always a chance you’ll get involved in an accident. And when it happens, a whole host of questions arises. What should you do? Who should pay for the damages? No one anticipates getting into a car accident, but it happens anyway. Here are six legal actions you should take if someone hits your car.
A vast amount of legal information and counsel on personal injuries can be found by visiting , which provides a broad scope of legal services for clients with personal injury cases. We strongly believe that all cases involving legal matters must be handled by qualified attorneys and we are here to help make your life easier in just about every way, every step of the way!
Here are six legal actions you should take if someone hits your car.
1. Exchange Information with the Driver
Suppose you can exchange information with the driver of the other vehicle. You should ask for and get the details listed below.
- Name
- Address
- Phone number
- Insurance company name
- Insurance policy number
If they don’t have insurance or are not driving their car, ask for their driver’s license number. Take a picture of their vehicle with your phone. If they refuse to give you any information, contact the police immediately.
2. Call 911
The police will file a police report, document the accident, and check for injuries. They will also notify your insurance company and tow your car if necessary. If you don’t have auto insurance, you’ll need to call 911 anyway. They will arrange immediate transportation in case someone needs medical attention.
3. Document the Accident
Document what happened before and after the crash. You may want to take pictures or videos of what happened at the scene. These details will be important when filing an insurance claim or seeking compensation. Also, you’ll have evidence if there’s ever any doubt about how things unfolded. Look around for witnesses who could back up your version of events. This can be useful when filing an insurance claim later on. There can be a disagreement over who was at fault for causing the accident.
Your car accident attorney will need all the necessary documentation to build a strong case. So, even if you feel fine initially, it’s important to seek medical attention promptly. Injuries may not be immediately apparent. Make notes of any conversations with witnesses or law enforcement. Record the complete names and badge numbers of responding officers. Save all medical records, repair bills, and correspondence with insurance companies.
4. Contact Your Injury Lawyer
A personal injury lawsuit aims to recover money for your damages. This can help pay for medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses. They’ll also guide you through filing an insurance claim. It’s also good to get an attorney involved before talking to other people. An injury lawyer will also help you learn more about car accident cases.
5. Contact Your Insurance Company
Contact your insurance company as soon as possible! They’ll investigate what happened. They’ll determine whether any parties were at fault for causing the accident. Your insurance company should also direct you on what steps you should take next. For instance, they’ll tell you how to fill out a police report and get estimates from auto body shops.
When reporting to your insurance company, stick to the facts surrounding the incident. Avoid making statements that might be interpreted as an acknowledgment of guilt. Focus on relaying accurate information about the accident to prevent the potential denial of your claim. Document your conversation with the insurance representative. Take note of the date, time, the representative’s name, and a discussion summary, which is crucial in disputes. After the initial phone call, send a written follow-up summarizing the accident and your claim. Include photos, witness statements, and the police report.
6. Seek Medical Attention
Suppose you sustained injuries; seek medical attention immediately. You should also take photos of any visible injuries, such as cuts and bruises. The sooner you seek medical attention, the sooner you’ll receive treatment.
The specific time limit for initiating legal action, known as the statute of limitations, varies by jurisdiction. So, it’s essential to know and adhere to the applicable timeline in your area. Documenting injuries, medical treatments, and associated expenses is advisable for future reference and to strengthen any potential legal claims.
Take the Right Actions!
You must contact an experienced car accident attorney immediately following a collision! They are on your side and know how to fight for you in the event of a dispute. They will let you know what to do, who to call, and most importantly, what not to do.