At-home blood sugar testing is great for managing blood sugar daily, yet it doesn’t give a full picture of what is occurring long-term.
This is when your doctor may call for a blood test called an A1C to monitor the effectiveness of your Type 2 diabetes management plan. This will usually be carried out once every three months although this depends on your specific requirements. You can learn about various types of diseases that are caused by excessive fats, on this website:
While an A1C score can be a helpful tool, it is not the only indicator of health. There are lots of other health and lifestyle factors that need to be considered.
If you find yourself asking “what is a1c?” or wondering how you can lower your A1C, then you’ve come to the right place.
In this article, we’ll show you how to do exactly that!
1. Eat A Well-Proportioned and Balanced Diet
Before you start with this, it’s best to consult a nutritionist or a dietitian to work out the most appropriate portion sizes and diet to follow.
A generic rule of thumb to keep in mind is to make sure every plate is half filled with veggies, a quarter with whole grains, and a quarter with protein. Again, the key is making sure every meal is as balanced as possible.
Try to avoid processed foods and sodas with high sugar content if possible. These are usually pretty high in calories and may contribute to weight gain and blood sugar spikes.
2. Find An Exercise You Enjoy
Exercise is never an easy thing. But taking the time to find an enjoyable way of moving your body will make it much easier to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. This includes a walk or a bike ride.
You should aim to do some exercise every day, monitoring your blood sugar before and after exercise to make sure that the numbers are where they need to be.
Remember: these numbers may be impacted by the time of your exercise and the foods that you eat before you get your body moving.
If you want to do more rigorous exercise, you might benefit from advice from your healthcare provider. They can help you tailor your exercise routine to make it more beneficial for you.
3. Follow Your Individualized Diabetes Plan
Some people can manage their A1C with diet and exercise whereas others will need to take medication to help control it.
The right medication dosage will vary from person to person, so you must work directly with your doctor to generate an individualized treatment plan. It is then your sole responsibility to stick to it.
If you ever get the urge to make a change, make sure to consult your doctor beforehand. This includes any minor dietary changes or a new exercise regime, as stated above. However, it is especially important before you make any changes to the way you take your insulin or medication.
4. Stick to a Regular Schedule
If you go too long without eating a proper meal, accidentally or not, then your blood glucose levels could wind up dropping too low. If this was to happen, you’ll be far more likely to overeat later on in the day, potentially causing your blood sugar to spike to unhealthy levels.
So, if you are serious about lowering your Ac1, you should plan to eat three well-balanced meals supplemented with two healthy snacks every day. Not only will this help you to better manage your blood sugar but it’ll keep you from binging on snacks late in the day.
5. Manage Your Stress
Finally, you must also learn how to manage your stress if you want to lower your A1C levels. This is because stress causes your body to go into ‘defend and attack’ mode.
To prepare you for a fight-or-flight response, your body has a store of energy that takes the form of fat and glucose. If this remains over time, it could potentially increase your A1C level — something that could prove to be detrimental if you have Type 2 diabetes.
The key is learning how to destress. Set aside time to relax doing an activity you love, or make plans with loved ones. Or, if you’d rather focus on your breathing, there are plenty of meditation techniques out there that can help to reduce stress.
If you have Type 2 diabetes, these are 5 effective ways to lower your Ac1. After all, measuring A1C levels is an important way to monitor your Type 2 diabetes and reduce your risk of developing any complications.