No matter what you are studying at school, college or university, it is likely that you will be required to write an assignment at some point. If you do not grasp the basics of creating different types of assignments, then it will be difficult for you to achieve success in your studies.
Many students wonder how they can improve their assignment-writing skills and get better results than they did previously. The five keys below can help you to create assignments that are well-structured and include relevant content.
I. Introduction
There are several common mistakes that students make when writing introductions for their assignments. Firstly, avoid beginning with a dictionary definition of the topic because this can sound like a cut-and-paste job that indicates that you have not done your research properly. Some students also begin with the date of publication for the source they are discussing, which is another bad idea because it implies that you do not know enough about the topic to discuss it in your own words.
When writing your assignment introduction, try to state your objective or aim and explain why this information will be necessary or interesting for other people to read. You should also include a couple of sentences about what sources you will use so that readers can understand how much work went into creating this assignment. If possible, give an example of the specific points which you will make. Finally, remember that introductions are supposed to be short – two or three paragraphs should be enough.
II. Main Body
When you are writing the main body of your assignment, you will need to consider the types of sources that you have chosen to use as evidence. In some cases, for example, if you are writing a persuasive essay, the source material’s choice is less important because all that matters is what your opinion is on a certain topic. However, if you are attempting to make a logical argument, then it is important to choose different sorts of sources so that people can understand why you think certain things about the subject under analysis.
According to In most cases, students will find that they need to include at least one primary source and one secondary source in their assignments. The difference between these two materials is that primary sources contain information that is original to the time and place, whereas secondary sources offer interpretations and analyses of events. For example, you might use a book about Australian history as a secondary source because it talks about facts, but you will need to use an eye-witness account as a primary source if your assignment asks you about what happened at the Eureka Stockade.
III. Conclusion
This is where you should mention any new information which you did not include in the introduction but decided to include later because it was relevant to your argument. People need to understand why you think your topic is important and how it fits into the larger picture of history or society.
When writing your conclusion, take a few moments to check through your previous sentences and make sure that they fit well together. Ask yourself whether any words seem out-of-place and make sure that the structure of your sentences makes sense. If you are still not comfortable with your conclusion, try to go back and make some minor changes because this is where people will decide whether or not they agree with you.
IV. Plagiarism
No matter how good your assignment is regarding writing style, using sources properly, and providing a solid argument, you may still fail to impress most of your teachers if it includes even a small amount of plagiarism. This is why students need to be aware that there are certain things that they can do – such as paraphrasing – and certain things which they cannot do – such as lifting sentences from online sources without using quotation marks.
All students should understand that plagiarism is considered a form of academic dishonesty and carries severe penalties. In some cases, teachers will fail students who have been caught out for committing plagiarism, while in other instances; tutors may decide to report their findings to the school authorities or even to legal sources
V. Editing
The final thing that students need to do before submitting their work is giving it a good edit for clarity and style. This means that they will check through all of their sentences to ensure that they are written in the correct tense, that verbs are consistent, and that punctuation is correct.
Students should also take the time to read all of their work out aloud because this can help identify any problems with phrasing or word choice. It might also be a good idea to ask somebody else to go through your writing because another person will point out any mistakes you have missed. If you’re not confident in your writing skills, you may also want to work with agencies with good reputation on College essay writer to help with some of the work. Just search and you’ll find a whole lot of service providers to choose from.
The Bottom Line
Although writing an academic assignment is similar to writing anything else, there are some aspects that students need to think about more carefully due to the nature of their assignment. These tips should help you understand how to write a successful paper.