There are a total of 195 countries in the world. That’s a lot of countries, especially if you consider the different languages and cultures that each one has to contribute to the world. However, it’s important to note some countries just stand out more than others. One country, in particular, is Canada. Canada is famous for so many reasons; the people are polite and cordial, amazing cool winters, breathtaking views, and so much more. In today’s article, we’ve discussed 4 reasons why you should consider moving to Canada. When you have made the decision to move, getting visitors to Canada insurance is an option you should highly consider.
1. Multicultural
Canada is, no doubt, a multicultural hub in today’s world. If you have ever been to Canada you would know that there are people from all sorts of backgrounds that reside there. As a matter of fact, the top 4 foreign languages spoken in Canada are French, Mandarin, Cantonese, and Punjabi. Needless to say there are numerous restaurants that provide cuisines from different countries. Canada also has a very liberal immigration policy as it understands that immigrants can contribute much to their nation. If you have been to Canada, and due to some illicit reason you were sent back to your homeland, check to see if you can apply for pardon Canada eligibility
2. Pleasant Scenic Beauty
Canada is a country replete with scenic beauty. Did you know that Canada has more lakes than any other country combined? Canada is also replete with maple trees and is the world’s largest producer of maple syrup, and we all know how bright and colorful these trees are. Not to mention the numerous tourist attractions present in Canada such as Niagra Falls, Gros Morn National Park, the Rocky Mountains and for those that love winter sports we have the village of Whistler. Furthermore, there are so many different national parks in the country to visit; they are sure to blow your mind away.
3. Good Education
Education is very important for any coming generation; it shapes the future of our world and our children. Canadians are strong believers in education as well. They spend more money per capita than many countries to ensure that children from all backgrounds are ensured a good education. It has also been shown that Canadians have an innate love for education themselves; maybe that explains why their citizens stay in education longer than people from most countries.
4. Safe & Sound
Safety is key, and Canada is one of the safest countries in the world. Did you know that gun ownership in Canada is almost 4 times lower than that of the USA? That’s probably because to be eligible to own firearms in Canada is a lengthy process, especially when compared to that of the USA. Not to mention, violent crime is extremely rare in Canada, as well. Therefore, it’s no surprise that Canada has made it in the top 10 as one of the safest countries in the world.